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Virechana (Therapeutic Purgation) :

This Panchakarma treatment involves the use of oral purgatives to remove the vitiated doshas especially Pitta dosha by inducing purgation.

Virechana –

Virechan is one among the five therapeutic procedures of panchakarma. It is a medicated purgation therapy which cleanses the gastro-intestinal tract, liver and gall bladder from toxins. It also removes toxins from the blood and thus purifies the blood. Virechan is mainly indicated for the disorders related to pitta. It pacifies the pitta dosha and thus its disorders. It can be adopted as a preventive procedure in sharad (winter) season as it is the season of aggravation of the pitta dosha.


 1) Prior to the procedure, the patient is subjected to oleation and sudation therapies in order to bring the doshas to the abdomen.
 2) Then on basis of the constitutional analysis, abdomen assessment, age, mental conditions, the dose and medicinal herb are decided and the patient is subjected to purgation.
 3) The patient is asked to maintain a frequency chart and the consistency of the motion to analyse the effect of the dose.
 4) More the frequency more the effect of the dose which is consider as a perfect purgation therapy.
 5) After the therapy patient is asked to observe fasting and then take a light diet.


 1) Detoxification of the toxins from the body and thus promotes good health.
 2) Beneficial in skin disorders, urticarial rashes, allergies.
 3) The patient is asked to maintain a frequency chart and the consistency of the motion to analyse the effect of the dose.
 4) In case of Gout, rheumatism, purgation is classically said to be the best.
 5) Mainly relieves gastro-intestinal disorders.
 6) Reduces weight by removing excessive fat from the abdomen.


Ayucare Ayurved Hospital, Shrikrishna Plaza,Near Bus Stop, Narayangaon, Tal:Junnar, Dist:Pune.
Contact: Email:info@ayucarefoundation.in
Phone: +91 9975409915

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