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Our Services

1- Shashrokta Hruday Shuddhikaran Chikissa :

It is a best Ayurvedic treatment for cronic heart failure paitent. No of paitent goes for surgery I e angioplasty and bypass and some of them searching for alternative treatment .Number of paitent did surgeries but had no relief from chestpain ,greediness, palpitation ,paedaloedema, chest heaviness .At that time they search new treatment for their camplaints .
AyucareAyurved Hospital is the best Hospital for chronic heart failure patient. Due ShashroktaHrudayShuddhikaranChikissapeoples have smile on their face and got relief from chestpain ,greediness, palpitation ,paedaloedema chest heaviness.

           Develops natural By-pass to coronary artery
           Enhances Cardiac muscle power
           Uplifts cardiac exercise capacity
           Reforms coronary Capillary
           Increases maximum blood supply to cardiac muscles

Service Name : Shashrokta Hruday Shuddhikaran Chikissa  
Price US$ : 551.37

2 :SharirShodhanChikissa :
Most of patinets having number of diseases but their cause is unkown to them and their doctors that’s why their doctor give them symtamatic treatment .That treatment give them temporary releife.
Ayurved is Science of life. Our body made from number of constitution like Tridosha,Saptadhatu,Panchamahabhut,Aatmaand Man. If that constitutions are balanced then there is no possibility of disease. On the basis of same concept we treat such a unknown orgin of disease for example- unknown origin cause of fever, unknown origin cause of bodypain , unknown origin cause of skin disease,unknown origin cause of infertility.

Service Name : Sharir Shodhan Chikissa  
Price US$ : 367.64

3: Rasayan Chikissa :
Cancer is most dangerous and endemic disease in present era. Best line of treatment according to Allopathy is chimo and radio therapy. That treatment does not give 100% assurance to a patient. Because of radio and chemo therapy patient faces number of side effects and unbearable pains.
AyucareAyurved Hospital come with NavSanjeevani for Cancer patient.RasayanChikissa
is like aNavsanjeevani in todays era.
Briantumor ,Blood caner, Breast cancer,Mouth cancer , Cervix cancer are the measure cancer in human being.The effective cause of cancer is stress,insomenia ,chemical diet ,poor diet , addiction , over radiation, preservative food and so on.
 Most effective treatment of AyucareAyurved Hospital is Rasanchikissa such as  
1- Panchakarma
2- Cell regulation Therapy { Rasayan Therapy}
3- Yoga { Body Healing Yoga}
4- Natural Diet { Cell Healing Diet}
5- Meditation

Service Name : Rasayan Chikissa
Price US$ :   735,39

4- Arshahar Chikissa:
AyucareAyurved Hospital present ArshaharChikissa .ArshaharChikissa is surgeriless treatment for anorectaldisease .
 Number of patient having chief campliant of anal pain,anal bleeding ,anal swelling , anal ecching,anal discharge, anal pus discharge,anal prolapse .
Above campleintsdefindas Piles,Fistula,Fissure etc.
Arshahar Chikissa is noninvasive treatment which is as follows –
1 Dhupan
2 Awgah
3 Basti

Service Name : Arshahar Chikissa
Price US$ : 117.64

5- Shalipind Chikissa:
In present era locomotally diseases are growing very fastlly.Rhumtied Arthritis, OsteoArthrities ,Spondilisis.
Bone density of every age patient decreases day by day.There are number of casuses
1 Vitamin D deficiencies
2 Poor Diet
3 Chemical Diet
4 Digestive Disease
Calcium level and bone density are decreases because of above reason -
ShalipindChikissa is most effective treatment for bone disorder.This treatment increases Bone density, Body calcium level and decreases Bone pain.As we all knows that ShalipindChikissa is ancient ayurvedbrohniya popular treatment used to Bhaartvarsh from generation of generations.
Shalipind Chikissainclude following steps.
1 Snehan{ Oleation}
2 ShashtiShalipind
3 Swedan {Steam}
4 Tiktabasti

Service Name : Shalipind Chikissa                                                    
Price US$ :  588.23 

6- Vajikaran Chikissa :

Vajikaran chikista is scientific ancient treatment.
Infertility is major issue in present era. There are two major types of infertility
1) Male Infertility –Pretesticular, Postesticular,ImmuneInfertility,Oligosparmia
2) Female infertility – Acquired infertility ,STD, Pituitary factor,Ovearanfactor,Tubal factor ,Uterine factors,Vaginal factor.
AyucareAyurved hospital present a Helping Hand those who wants a smiling baby at their home.

We can identify exact cause of infertility and treat them by Vajikaran Chikista.
Vajikaranchikista includes-
1 Panchkarma
2 SthanikShodhan
3 ShukrawardhakBasti
4 Uttar Basti

Service Name :  Vajikaran Chikissa
Price US$ : 588.23 

7-  Vatahar Chikissa :
Our body mande up from three main constituants which are Vata,Kafa and Pitta.Vatais a most important constituent because Pita and Kafa are totally depend upon Vata to move here and there.
If Vata is imbalaced then body suffers from various diseases . Our main target is to keep Vata in balanced condition. So we introduce VataharChikissa.
VataharChikissa includes
1 VataharSnehan
2 VataharSwedan
3 VataharBasti

Service Name : Vatahar Chikissa
Price US$ : 588.23 


Ayucare Ayurved Hospital, Shrikrishna Plaza,Near Bus Stop, Narayangaon, Tal:Junnar, Dist:Pune.
Contact: Email:info@ayucarefoundation.in
Phone: +91 9975409915


Ayucare Ayurved Hospital,Near Ballalwadi lac ,Ballalwadi Tal Junnar, Dist Pune.

Contacts Email:info@ayucarefoundation.in
Phone: +91 9975409915