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Ayurvediy consultation

Ayucare Ayurved Hospital has expanded its broad spectrum to corners o f the world through Ayurveda consultation, Yoga Training & Ayurved Panchakarma in an authentic manner.

There are three main fundamental situation for Ayurvediy consultation

• Observation (Darshan): 

This is an evaluation of disease by observing the patient. There are hundreds of point indicators that an Ayurvedic Physician may observe the patient’s posture ,movements and physical appearance to investigate the imbalance of Dosha.

Palpation (Sparshan)

Touch includes palpation (pressing down on parts of the body called sparshanam in Ayurveda), auscultation (listening to sounds made by the internal organs or shrvanaain Ayurveda) and percussion or tapping (akotanain Ayurveda). There is a focus on pulse and tongue diagnosis and other diagnostic methods which include sound observation in which breathing

• Questions (Prashnan): 

This takes up the majority of the consultation and involves investigation of the main complaint, symptoms and pathogenesis of the disorder as well as personal history. Patients will be greatly assisted by providing psychological, physical and lifestyle and nutrition information to the doctor


Ayucare Ayurved Hospital, Shrikrishna Plaza,Near Bus Stop, Narayangaon, Tal:Junnar, Dist:Pune.
Contact: Email:info@ayucarefoundation.in
Phone: +91 9975409915